parshat Behar
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Har Sinai is a kind of conduit, a connector between Heaven & Earth. It’s message is that every act we perform, every Mitzva we keep, reverberates & impacts both above & below.
Shmita - Rest for the Man or for the Land?
Is it the land lying fallow that is the central theme, or are the Jews who do not work it during the shmita year the focus? -
What's First - Messiah or Aliya
Looking at the Ohr HaHayim's commentary on this week's Parshat Behar to discover the answer to the centuries-old question: Will Redemption come miraculously or by natural means? -
Creators Belonging
The idea behind the sabbatical year remains fixed in the minds and hearts of the Jewish people wherever they may live. And that basic idea is simple: that the world and all its land belongs to and is subject to the will of the Creator. -
Different Types of Respite
Sefer Vayikra was given during Bnei Yisrael’s period in the desert. It is therefore telling that the Torah already relates as a given fact the situation in which they are working the fields of Eretz Yisrael, suspending work during Shemitta and Yovel, and following the rules of transactions regarding real estate in the Land among other financial matters. -
What's First - Messiah or Aliya?
Who must initiate the redemption of Israel? Will it be G-D through blatant miracles, or will the Jewish people gradually awaken to return home? The Or Hachaim answers that question based on this week's Torah reading. -
The Earth is the Lord's
A Shiur by Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed for the weekly Torah reading of "Behar- Bechukotai". -
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